Janice Shang
Cheap Girl In Charge of Visuals

Chinese American Banana who grew up on Tex-Mex enchiladas and Shandong chive pockets. My first love was Taco Bell’s warm, gooey, creamy, sauce-a-licious chicken quesadilla, but these days I’m mostly craving boiled dumplings and noodle soups.

Too much sugar makes me nauseous, and so do hybrid cars, airplane aisle seats and the Harry Potter theme park ride. I love to travel outside of the US. Looking for a good anti-aging eye cream and self help books recs.

I probably drink more water than you.

I’m shy, but contact me if you must @janiceshang

Rachel Stolba
Cheap Girl In Charge of Words

Midwest cornfed girl now living in LA and traveling the world. Despite tummy troubles, I NEVER cut anything out of my diet completely (live octopus included.)

Tech marketer by day, amateur chef by night. When I’m at home, find me plating meals for one with tweezers on a Tuesday night. When I’m on the road find me dragging friends on custom designed food tours across the country.

Passions include seasonal cooking, LA’s taco truck scene, and letting my pup Pepper lick the floor.

Please give me attention @racheljstolba